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Game Review – Pitfall Glacier – The Lost Expedition

NAME: Pitfall The Lost Expedition – Glacier
COMPANY: Activision and Sumea
GENRE: Forward scrolling shooter
RATING: 7/10

You play has Harry who’s caught up in another adventure involving pits. You’re on a quest to find a ‘ancient artefact and defeat its guardian’.

Pitfall is essentially a platformer and it doesn’t depart from the proven formula which is helped create all those years ago.

The gameplay consists of jumping and climbing, swinging around and throwing rocks at various obstacles such as ice hedgehogs, spikes, big birds and ice monkeys.

The sound is again limited and the graphics are OK. However that doesn’t detract from the game.

Controls are easy to master and spread appropriately on the phone keypad.

There are 15 levels with multiple sub levels so there’s plenty of adventuring to do. There are also lots of different puzzles and treasure to collect on the way. Its difficulty is also increase accordingly so no ‘gameplay’ issues.

The levels are broken up in such a way that it is easy to stop and restart the game at a later stage. Perfect for train or bus travel.

No real problems to report.


We rate this game a 7/10.

Pitfall for the mobile phone is a decent game. It has high production values with no real flaws.

Not a must have but worth having if you’re into these sort of games.